Learn Here if You're a Candidate For Invisalign!

If you want straighter, better-aligned teeth without the hassle of metal braces, you could be a candidate for Invisalign®. The clear orthotic devices are barely noticeable, and you remove them before brushing your teeth or eating. Most people won’t know you’re wearing them. Best of all, they address most of the same issues braces do. Also, like braces, they can lead not only to cosmetic benefits, but make oral hygiene easier as well, lowering your risk for problems such as tartar buildup, infections, and cavities.

Our team of dentists at Swinney Dental, located in Tyler, Texas, is pleased to provide Invisalign so you can have a smile you can feel confident about.

What Invisalign treats

Like traditional braces, Invisalign corrects a broad range of issues that commonly interfere with dental health and appearance, including:

While Invisalign used to work only for mild to moderate alignment concerns, the technology has improved in recent years, allowing it to treat more complex issues formerly only managed with braces. So even if your alignment issues are severe, you could still be a strong candidate.

Other qualifications

In addition to having one or more of the issues above, you’ll need to be able to commit to wearing Invisalign aligners for at least 22 hours each day to be a good candidate. You must keep them in during the daytime and nighttime hours, except for short breaks while you eat, brush, or floss. 

You’ll also need to take care of your devices, cleaning them according to our team’s guidance, typically brushing them at least twice a day.

Depending on the state of your teeth, braces may correct certain alignment concerns faster than Invisalign. So if you have severely misaligned teeth and desire quicker results, you might be best off with traditional braces. That said, Invisalign corrects mild to moderate issues relatively fast.

Teen time

Once only a choice for adults, Invisalign is now also offered to certain teens. This version comes with a blue dot indicator that allows you to monitor your teen’s progress and know that they have been wearing their aligners for the right amount of time. For a teen to be a candidate they need to be mature and responsible, proving that they can take care of their aligners and follow the directions from our team. 

To learn more about Invisalign and find out if you’re a good candidate, call Swinney Dental or schedule an appointment using our online booking feature. Our team of experts would love to help you find your way to straighter, healthy teeth.

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