How Dental Implants Compare to Dentures

How Dental Implants Compare to Dentures

If you’re missing one or more teeth or have significant damage to existing teeth, you may be a candidate for dental implants or dentures. Both dental restoration options improve your oral health by cultivating a full mouth of well-aligned teeth that are easier to keep clean. Dental implants and dentures can also help boost your confidence by creating a smile you feel more comfortable showing off. 

While both treatment options are popular and effective, they aren’t ideal for everyone. 

Our experienced team of dentists at Swinney Dental in Tyler, Texas, provides the latest denture options as well as dental implants to improve your smile and replace missing or damaged teeth. We can also help you make the best decision for your unique needs.

Take a moment to learn about the differences between dentures and dental implants:

Dentures versus implants basics

Dentures have been around for a long time and are used as removable devices that replace teeth and gum tissue. They consist of a pinkish base, topped with a set of artificial teeth. Over the years, dentures have become more natural-looking and comfortable. They can replace some or all of your teeth. 

Dental implants are newer devices, consisting of a metal rod to replace the roots of missing teeth. Each implant is then topped with a natural-looking crown. While you remove dentures for cleaning and sleeping, dental implants stay in place permanently.

Choosing between dentures and implants

If you’re not sure whether to choose dentures or dental implants, our team at Swinney Dental can help you sort out the pros and cons of each option based on your needs and preferences. 

If you would prefer a long-lasting, low-maintenance option, we may recommend implants. You care for them the same way you brush and floss natural teeth. People under age 60 tend to appreciate this option.

If you’d rather avoid a more invasive procedure that takes several appointments over many months, you may want to go with dentures. Dentures involve taking molds of your mouth without invasive procedures like with implants. For those reasons, older adults and anyone who can’t have dental surgery may find dentures more appealing. 

Your budget may also impact your decision. Dental implants are more expensive than dentures, especially if you don’t have health insurance that covers them.

To learn more about dentures and dental implants or get started with the care you need, call our dental team at Swinney Dental or schedule an appointment using the convenient online booking feature. 

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