How Can I Prepare My Child for Their First Visit?

How Can I Prepare My Child for Their First Visit?

Getting your child on track with appropriate dental care from an early age can set the stage for a lifetime of healthy teeth and gums. And preparing your child for their first visit plays an essential role.

Our dental team at Swinney Dental in Tyler, Texas, is pleased to offer expert dental care for kids of all ages. 

Let’s take a closer look at children’s dental visits, including how to prepare your child for their appointment.

Timing your child’s first dental visits

Kids should come in for a dental exam within six months of the first tooth’s appearance or no later than their first birthday. During that exam, our team can share information about baby bottle tooth decay, pacifier and thumb-sucking habits, mouth cleaning, and more.

While you may not need to prepare a young infant for that appointment, given they won’t likely remember it, preparing your child for their first visit once they’re talking is essential. Ongoing checkups will ideally take place every six months.

What to expect at toddlers’ dental visits

Between ages 1-3, your child’s routine dental visits will include an examination of their teeth, gums, jaw, bite, and oral tissues to ensure their growth and development are progressing.

Your child may also have a gentle cleaning that involves polishing their teeth. Meanwhile, our team will remove any plaque, tartar, or stains.

Because baby teeth eventually fall out, X-rays aren’t usually needed. We may recommend X-rays, however, for particular issues, such as assessing a jammed tooth or decay.

How to prepare your child for the dentist

Preparing your small child for a dental visit can help minimize any nervousness or anxiety, making the experience more pleasant and comfortable. Smart prep can also ensure that upcoming visits are something your child looks forward to.

These steps can help you prepare your child for the dentist:

Choosing a dentist specializing in pediatric care can also ensure a positive experience and your child’s best exam and treatment outcomes. 

Call our Swinney Dental team today to learn more about pediatric dental care or get your child started with the care they need. You can also schedule an appointment using our website's convenient online booking feature.

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